The Hospitality committee is quite active. Their work involves building community within our congregation. They help accomplish this using activities listed below and others as they may occur throughout the year.
Visiting our Homebound
Committee members make regular visits to our homebound members.
Church Picnic
The annual church picnic is held each fall at a local township park. We begin with worship at the park site and this is followed by a picnic lunch with all the trimmings (including real flies). Following the meal, various games and activities are enjoyed by all or one can just sit and relax in the cool shade of surrounding trees.
Food Delivery to homebound
One way we stay connected is to provide meals (many times home cooked or sometimes catered) for individuals orb families recovering from illness, injury or surgery. These meals may be delivered steaming hot and ready to eat or perhaps frozen and ready to heat when needed.
Care packages to college students and military personnel
Several times each school year the church mails 'care packages' to college students and our military folks. These packages are filled with goodies and encourage the students and those serving us far from home that they are not forgotten, but continue to be cared for even when away from home.
Light Lunch after Sunday worship
Several times each year the committee holds a light lunch to bring worshipers together for conversation and fellowship. The lunches consist of various menus, but the six foot subs are a big hit.