Everyone desires friends who will walk with her/him through life's joys and sorrows. We are ready to join you on that journey. We want to help everyone meet the challenges of existing as Christians in today's society. Our studies, fellowship times, and working together in service projects will help us all develop deeper relationships with Jesus Christ and other Christians in our journeys together.
We meet on Sunday mornings in different groups and at various times throughout the week in Bible studies, book studies, fellowship events, and prayer times.
Education - Sunday School
International Studies – a facilitator leads the group in a Biblically based study of specific scriptural passages exploring the meaning of the scriptural passage to encourage a deeper faith in God and also discuss how they relate to today’s world
Video/book Lead Study – this group uses a variety of authors (examples: Rob Bell and Andy Stanley) to teach, strengthen, and encourage about the leadership of Jesus Christ and what this means in our own lives.
You may also like to view the Connecting With Others and Happenings at Christ pages for many other avenues of potential fellowship and service involvement.